
All things lifestyle related.

  • Productive

    How To Be More Productive When You Are Alone

    Spending time alone with yourself can be one of the most relaxing and productive things you can do, however, using your time alone to be more productive can be easier said than done. You can set a path to get the most out of yourself when you are alone. Are you ready to get more productive?  You can be more productive when you are alone if you: Set goals Prioritize the day Limit social media  Take breaks  Find your inspiration  Do what works for you  Leave room to pivot  Find a way to enjoy the task  Reward yourself  Embrace the challenge Using these strategies can improve your productivity when you…

  • Woman happy and unbothered

    10 Signs Your Friend Is Jealous Of You

    A friend is someone you have a mutual affection or special bond. Friends are human and they have feelings too and sometimes those feelings aren’t easy to admit. Feelings of jealousy and resentment are normal but what someone does with those feelings is important. How do you know if a friend is jealous?  Your friend may be jealous of you if they are:  Happy to see your pain Comparing you in a negative way Excluding you on purpose Trying to hurt you on purpose Gossiping about you Ignoring you when you try to speak Joking about you in a bad way Angry or annoyed at you randomly Always trying to…

  • Lifestyle

    10 Reasons Why Life Begins at 40

    When you hit the age of 40 it’s a huge milestone into the next phase of life. Before 40 you’re learning life and making huge sacrifices trying to figure out who you are. At 40 the game has changed and you’re seasoned and ready. Why does life begin at 40 though?  10 reasons life begins at 40 are:  Solid and well established relationships Successful in business and / or career Financial security Live life on your own terms Increased attention on better health and wellness Well equipped to navigate difficult situations Accept yourself as you are You know your body A full catalog of life’s knowledge You know your purpose…

  • Do you always have to be the bigger person?

    Why Do I Always Have To Be The Bigger Person?

    Many times in life everyone is tested with difficult situations involving difficult people and how we respond impacts our lives instantly and can be lasting. There are moments you will advocate for yourself in the loudest voice possible and there are other times you will need to choose to be the bigger person and move beyond the moment. You are not required to rise above every moment every time and be the bigger person. Being the bigger person is not something done out of obligation but rather to free yourself of participating in negative behavior. Finding the right balance to identify when it’s appropriate to rise above the negativity and…

  • How to get out of bed motivated

    How to Get Out of Bed in the Morning Motivated

    Getting out of bed in the morning motivated can be one of the most difficult things for people to do, especially those who don’t consider themselves to be morning people. Starting the day motivated and ready to win can change your entire outlook for your day. But how do you get out of bed in the morning motivated?  Get out of bed in the morning motivated by:  Getting a good night sleep Waking up early Hydrating your body Doing some physical activity Setting daily goals Meditation Using music as a motivator  The morning can start off energizing and motivate you to accomplish everything that you set out to do for…

  • Happy woman smiling

    How to Stop Depending on People for Your Happiness

    Happiness is a feeling that once you capture it you know that you have it. Happiness is something that isn’t possessed by everyone but many seek to destroy it in others. It’s important to understand that being happy doesn’t have to involve other people. Stop depending on people for your happiness by learning to accept yourself, spending quality time with yourself, and removing or limiting your time on social media. Doing those things each day leads to an improvement in the quality of your life and truly brings you sustained happiness. Why others can’t give you happiness When you depend on other people for your happiness it takes control from…

  • Missed Opportunities
    Career + Business,  Lifestyle

    How to Get Over Missed Opportunities

    Everyone has had a moment in life they’ve been presented with an opportunity and they’ve decided to let it pass them by. Each day was met with a moment of regret about not taking advantage of that opportunity. The regret starts to impact every decision you make going forward wondering about what could’ve been.  How do you get over missed opportunities in your life? You get over missed opportunities by accepting the reality of it and moving on. Every opportunity isn’t for you even when it’s presented to you. The life you have today is a result of all of the decisions you’ve decided to make and not to make…

  • What is forgiveness?
    Health + Wellness,  Lifestyle

    What is Forgiveness and Why Its Good for You

    Forgiveness can be one of the hardest things most of us will ever do in our lives. When someone hurts you, the natural reaction is to feel pain, anger, and maybe a little resentment. All of those things are for you and are only felt by you. What if you want to get to the other side of the anger and pain? Forgiveness is acknowledging what did happen and how it happened instead of what should have happened or could have happened. Forgiveness allows you to heal yourself of the pain. Forgiveness is letting go of the feelings of hurt and pain and moving on to the next moment of…

  • Home Office
    Career + Business,  Lifestyle

    Five Tips to Create a Motivational Home Office

    Working each day in your home office can become boring and routine. Sometimes you’ll need to update your home office to motivate you. A home office should be a comfortable space that isn’t your bed but it needs to encourage and motivate you to do exciting things everyday. A motivational home office can be created by picking a good location, natural light for inspiration, motivational pictures and art, plants, and good comfortable furniture. Using all or some of these ideas can instantly turn a home office into an entirely new space. Pick a good location A good location needs to include the least amount of distractions so you can focus. The…

  • Alone time

    How to Find Time for Yourself During COVID

    It’s been five months since COVID-19 started to change how all of us live our daily lives. It stopped the daily schedule of wake up, go to work, go home, eat dinner, rinse and repeat.  Since summer 2020 has officially been canceled, everyone is home so its tough to get ME time. Is it even possible to get ME time in the age of COVID? The answer is YES!!!!! Carving out time for yourself has to be prioritized and planned like any other important activity. A house full of people allows for some creative opportunities to develop new and interesting ways to get quality time alone. Manage your space Make…